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Romeo & Juliet

From 12 years old

In Verona, two important families who have been at odds for as long as they can remember, see how love grows between them to join them: a tragedy announced from the beginning.

Rehearsal after rehearsal, hands have been appearing all over the place: Count Paris asks for Juliet´s hand, the Prince condemns the bloody hands of the families; Romeo’s hand meets Juliet’s; the friar joins the lovers' hands in the wedding; Juliet takes poisoned Romeo’s hand… It is about begging hands, killing hands, hands that forgive or pray, stroking hands.

From the hands, we have conceived our staging: only one actor performs all the characters. By means of his arms and his hands, he drives the action, leading the imagination of the audience through the different scenes of Romeo & Juliet.

Shakespeare was an actor before being a writer. He did not create his plays as literature jewels; he wrote thoughts, emotions to be seen and heard on a stage. He conceived theatre as a Total Art, capable of taking onto the stage all that stream of life and shows that London offered 400 years ago. Romeo & Juliet has everything: violence, death, fights, love, passion, music, dance, humour, poetry...

Shakespeare was the most modern in his time.


Ultramarinos de Lucas