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Ultramarinos de Lucas

NOTHING, by Janne Teller

From 14 years old

"Nothing matters. I have known that from a long time."

From the start, we felt that Nada, besides its undeniable literary quality, questions our expectations about the essence of Human Beings. Nada makes us think about how we face our life. Our staging will intend to stress this subject, seeking direct communication with the audience.

Our working method follows two lines: on the one hand, we will start exploring about the story itself through improvisations leading to puzzle out the essence of the conflicts and tensions, approaching little by little the definitive text.

On the other hand, we go the same way in opposite direction: beginning from the text we search the dramatic actions that hold it up.

Three actors and one actress on stage will play the part of the narrator and a number of characters, with a scenic language to be defined during rehearsals but relying beforehand on a kind of performance that gives special importance to words and actions rather than to a usual construction of characters.



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Ultramarinos de Lucas